Books & Videos
"Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings, these are a few of my favorite things" - Julie Andrews
Below is a compilation of Amanda's favourite resources of inspiration...

Amanda reads or listens (with Audible) to over 50 books a year... here are some of her favorites:
Originals - by Sheryl Sandberg
Start with Why - by Simon Sinek
Bold - by Peter Diamandis & Steven Kotler
How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci - by Michael J. Gelb
Outliers - by Malcolm Gladwell
Talent is Overrated - by Geoff Colvin
Real Artists Don't Starve - by Jeff Goins
Out of Our Minds - by Ken Robinson
Steal Like an Artist - by Austin Kleon
The Power of Myth - by Joseph Campbell & Bill Moyers
How to Win Friends & Influence People - by Dale Carnegie
The Virgin Way - by Richard Branson

TED Talks
Here are some of Amanda's favorite influencers speaking about their passion and interests...
Simon Sinek - How great leaders inspire action
Sir Ken Robinson - Do schools kill creativity